A selection of images of the various types of camera trapping I have done over the last 30 years or so. As you can see - it isn't just about animals! Scroll through these, click to enlarge any of them, then check out all of the more comprehensive camera trapping galleries listed below for further images if you are interested:
Camera Trapping Mountain Lions in Southern California
Camera Trapping Other Animals
Camera Trapping Art and Science
Camera Trapping Mountain Lions in Southern California
Camera Trapping Other Animals
Camera Trapping Art and Science

Dipodomys sp. Kangaroo Rat. Cognisys RangeIR

Carolina Wren in Snow at Dusk. High speed flash and ambient.


Mountain Lioness in urban Glendale, Los Angeles.

Balloon frozen mid-pop using open flash technique. 30 people in the workshop captured the same moment on their cameras.

Geometrid moth with Argentinian Ant hitching a ride

Hooded oriole male. High speed flash. Cognisys StopShot trigger

Coyote coming down the mountainside above my home. Note the stars and electrical pylon. Cognisys Sabre.

Greu fox - Westlake Village CA. Cognisys Sabre and custom flashes.

A pair of grey foxes at my home. Westlake Village, CA. Cognisys Sabre trigger.

Young bobcat at my home. Westlake Village, CA. Cognisys Sabre trigger.

Smiling coyote at my home. Westlake Village, CA. Cognisys Sabre trigger.

Doe and fawn, Antelope Valley, CA. Cognisys Scout trigger.

Female bobcat with woodrat prey heading down a mountain toward Los Angeles. Glendale, CA.

Lopsided buck - Chatsworth, CA. Cognisys Scout

Great Horned Owl - Antelope Valley California. Cognisys Scout trigger.

We call this guy 'Garfield'. He is enormous, and the dominant male mountain lion in the region of the Antelope Valley where we have cameras. He might be the dominant male mountain lion in the entire universe....

Mom (drinking) and the two kids!

Air pistol pellet leaving the muzzle at about 450 fps.

Poorwhil above Los Angeles

Close up study of a mountain lioness

Western Scrub Jays at Spring

Nonplussed Red Tailed Hawk, Antelope Valley, CA.

Buck during rut - urban Glendale, CA

Dart dropped vertically onto a balloon

Nikita, an adult mountain lioness, under a full moon, over Los Angeles, 2017.

I am really not happy about this....

Bee in flight taken with Cognisys Insect Rig

Fawn splashing in water - Cognisys Scout Trigger

P47 - the largest mountain lion ever recorded in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California, at 155 pounds (over 70 kilos). He was the dominant male in and around Topanga Canyon. A few weeks after this image he was dead from secondary rat poisoning.

About a year old, this mountain lion kitten looks quizzically at the source of the weird clicking sound.

A closeup of a striding mountain lion, Antelope Valley, CA

A young mountain lion eyeing squirrels up a tree, Whenever lions happen to roam during daylight hours (rarely), nearby squirrels scream their alarm.

Sibling mountain lions sharing a natural spring for a drink. Antelope Valley, CA

Nikita the mountain lioness over Los Angeles, Christmas Eve, 2018. Yes, really.