Most of my photography over the last few years has centred around camera trapping mountain lions in Southern California. We are fortunate to have a small population in the urban areas surrounding Los Angeles - The Santa Monica Mountains, the Verdugo Mountains, Antelope Valley, Simi Valley and even the celebrity icon 'P22' in Griffith Park above Hollywood. Achieving quality images of these elusive felines is easily the most challenging photography I have ever done. It is time-consuming, wrought with frustration, and bloody hard work. Moreover, there are certain people who see fit to either steal or destroy gear when they find it. This is both costly and disappointing.

Nikita, an adult mountain lioness, under a full moon, over Los Angeles, 2017.

Juvenile Mountain Lion (aka puma, cougar) just finished drinking from a spring. Antelope Valley, California. Notice the large blood-filled tick above the eyebrow, soon to drop off.

Nikita in urban Glendale, California, just after dawn.

Still got a long way to grow into those paws!

Close up study of a mountain lioness

P62 mountain lioness cleaning up after a cool drink from a 'guzzler' at Santa Susanna Field Laboratories, Chatshworth, California.

Mountain Lioness in urban Glendale, Los Angeles.

Young mountain lion already sporting ear nicks and ticks.

A closeup of a striding mountain lion, Antelope Valley, CA

Mountain lioness arrives back to her two awaiting kittens, who will soon be leaving her protection

P47 - the largest mountain lion ever recorded in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California, at 155 pounds (over 70 kilos). He was the dominant male in and around Topanga Canyon. A few weeks after this image he was dead from secondary rat poisoning.

"This water tastes good!" A mountain lion samples the fresh spring water of the Antelope Valley, CA.

We call this guy 'Garfield'. He is enormous, and the dominant male mountain lion in the region of the Antelope Valley where we have cameras. He might be the dominant male mountain lion in the entire universe....

"I am sure I can reach that blade of grass on my nose with my tongue!"

I am really not happy about this....

Nikita the mountain lioness over Los Angeles, Christmas Eve, 2018. Yes, really.

Sibling love by the waterhole. Antelope Valley, CA

About a year old, this mountain lion kitten looks quizzically at the source of the weird clicking sound.

A young mountain lion eyeing squirrels up a tree, Whenever lions happen to roam during daylight hours (rarely), nearby squirrels scream their alarm.

Sibling mountain lions sharing a natural spring for a drink. Antelope Valley, CA

Male mountain lion (Puma concolor) Antelope Valley, California

Nikita, the mountain lioness who reigns in the Verdugo Mountains heads down into Los Angeles for the evening

The length of a mountain lion is significant when shown mid-stride. Glendale, Los Angeles.

Mom (drinking) and the two kids!

The gorgeous condition of this juvenile mountain lion is demonstrated by its beautiful fur.

Urban female mountain lion, Glendale, Los Angeles.

Black and white study of a big male mountain lion.

Life isn't always tough for a young mountain lion, waiting for Mom to catch dinner...

Nikita in an urban back yard - Los Angeles.

A regal pose, by a regal feline - Puma concolor

Concentrating mountain lion - drinking at a spring.

Adolescent female mountain lion at Santa Susanna Field Laboratories, Chatsworth, California. The green trough is fresh drinking water, thoughtfully installed for the local wildlife.

P62 (with radio collar) and her two offspring. Santa Susanna Field Laboratories, Chatsworth, CA.

About a year old, this mountain lion kitten has the typical wide-eyed wonder and curiosity of any cat!

Mom and cute kid...

I will never tire of caturing images of beautiful mountain lions drinking fresh water.

TIme for bed, thinks P62...

Tongue and tail curls. Mountain lion at about 18 months in the Antelope Valley, CA

Just a little suspicious of that noisy black box... P62 showing her ear tag and radio collar. She is tracked by the National Park Service.